Are you looking for how to travel as a teacher in 2025? This is the guide for you!
I have been traveling the world while working as a teacher full time for the past 8 years. I have visited destinations like Guatemala, Amsterdam, Turkey, and Greece, all while making it back on time for class.
There are so many different ways to successfully travel as a teacher- you just need to find what works best for you!
I have created a list of different ways to travel as a teacher in 2025.
1. Travel on Holiday Breaks

Traveling on holiday breaks is one of the best ways to maximize travel as a teacher!
Breaks vary in every state, country, and teaching district. Unless you are working for a year-round school, most teachers have three common breaks per year: summer, winter, and spring. Some schools even have fall break, and other schools divide their winter break into two parts.
All of that said, there are plenty of times throughout the year you can travel!
However, I can’t stress the importance enough of flight tracking. I teach all about this in my course and e-book (both coming soon)! You can also learn more about it in free videos.
I created the course because it took me years to get the hang of it, so I wanted to create a step-by-step process that can help other teachers like myself.
2. Weekend Getaways

Weekend getaways are another amazing way to travel. When was the last time you visited the closest big city to you? Or a local state park or hiking trail?
Sometimes, we accidentally take for granted the amazing things to do within driving distance from our homes.
3. Volunteer
There are various teacher volunteer opportunities every summer. I was a volunteer teacher in Italy.
I learned so much about this experience, but now I prefer to travel for leisure or with travel grants over my summers.
4. Travel Grants

Teacher travel grants are project based learning opportunities that fund teacher travel. There are so many travel grants for teachers, and these make me so excited!
I completed a grant in the Netherlands and absolutely loved every moment of my experience.
It felt so liberating to write a research proposal to help the people I care about, and immerse myself in a culturally enriching summer.
5. Teacher Tours

Did you know there are hundreds of tours created just for teachers? One of the biggest teacher tour organizations is GEEO.
They provide tours for teachers year-round that also count as professional development credit. A double win!
⭐Read Next: 5 Teacher Travel Tours
6. Lead Educational Tours
Multiple travel organizations pay you to lead student travel tours over the summer!
If you want to continue working and making money over the summer, this might be the option for you.
I have never lead one of these tours, but I think it’s a great opportunity and something I need to consider.
7. Solo Travel

I absolutely love solo traveling! Not all of my friends are teachers, or they oftentimes have different obligations than me over breaks.
If I waited for someone to be free to take a trip together, I’m not sure when I ever would have began traveling.
If you’re not comfortable traveling entirely on your own, there are several group tour options, even teacher travel tours, that you can join.
Many other travelers are usually solo on these tours too, so it’s a great opportunity to meet new friends from everywhere!
8. Online Teaching

You can alternately travel full-time all year as long as you are living somewhere with a reliable internet connection.
In this day in age, there are plenty of remote teacher positions. This is not something I have personally tried, but is definitely an option with many opportunities available.
Teachers have several exciting options for traveling and exploring the world.
Solo travel offers the freedom to embark on adventures at your own pace and meet fellow travelers along the way.
Group tour options, including teacher travel tours, provide a great opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and make new friends.
For those seeking a full-time traveling lifestyle, online teaching positions offer the flexibility to teach remotely from anywhere with an internet connection.
Whether you prefer the freedom of solo travel or group tours, or even the possibility of teaching online while exploring the world, teachers can find unique and fulfilling ways to travel.