Have got to say this was one of my favorite national parks visited!! This one did challenge me with the steep elevation and rocky terrain for part of the trail but it made the views all the more worth it. We are used to hiking more intense trails at US National Parks so this trail layout was most similar to what we are used to experiencing, but shorter.

The Details
Location: 1 hour 30 minutes from Arenal. Great on a day trip from Arenal or on the way to Monteverde.
When to visit: The turquoise water is supposed to be more vibrant during the dry season as rainfall can dilute the turquoise color, however, we visited during the rainy season and I can say this water was WOWING turquoise! I can’t even imagine what it would look like during the dry season- but rest assure, you will find beauty either way.
How many days: 1- There’s not much in this area outside of the national park, so unless you would like to stay in the area to sleep and relax after the hike, you may as well head back to Arenal or continue on to your next destination.
Parking: It is likely you will eventually leave service zones so keep the map on on your phone. Follow the brown rectangular park signs directing you to where the park entrance is. A big brown building will appear a bit far back on the left hand side which is the park ranger office where you purchase your ticket and can enter. It isn’t super visible from the front of the road so comes up a bit fast. Parking here was about 3 USDollars and entrance fee to the park is about $16. There is a restaurant here as well.
The Trails
Starting point on the map: Puesto Pilon. Walk about 15 minutes before you reach Entrada a Catarata and walk down the many stairs (may be difficult for some, especially if they are wet from a rainfall) and check out the absolutely breathtaking aqua waterfall! Climb back up the steep stairs and make your way back out, or continue onward…
Continue hiking until you reach Mirador for a beautiful first look into the Laguna Azul- breathtaking! There are three more viewpoints all worth the while (Laguna Azul, Borbollones, and Tenideros. The entire rest of the hike is walking along the turquoise waters (and across one beautiful suspended bridge!)

Until you reach the point where you can observe the chemical reaction in which the water changes colors. VERY awesome. See below! (Note this second part of the hike involves some steep incline)